Group polarization – what is it and how does it function?

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Pola Kolczyńska
Pola Kolczyńska
Namaste! My name is Pola Kolchinskaya. As a yogini and alternative medicine enthusiast, my life revolves around the pursuit of harmony of body, mind and spirit. Leading meditations in a women's circle, attending and organizing self-development workshops and exploring the depths of spiritual development are my daily practices. My passion for yoga has taken me to the most exotic corners of the world, including Bali, where the magic and energy of the place enhances the experience of yoga practice. The blog I run is a reflection of my life philosophy - sharing the joy of life. I love discovering new cultures, people, flavors and spaces, which inspires me to share it all with my readers. I believe that every trip, every workshop and every practice is a step towards a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. My goal is not only to inspire people to live in harmony with themselves, but also to show what a multidimensional adventure life can be when we allow ourselves to reflect and breathe deeply.

Group polarization is a phenomenon in which people divide into groups that have opposing views on a given topic. This phenomenon can lead to the escalation of conflicts and distrust between groups.

What is group polarization? Definition of the term

Group polarization is a process in which people with similar views and beliefs join groups, and people with opposing views and beliefs join other groups. This process leads to a growing difference between groups and a deepening of social divisions.

How does group polarization work?

Group polarization can occur when people have different views on a given topic while expecting others to agree with them. Since each group tends to hold its own views, conflicts between groups can escalate. This phenomenon is especially likely in situations where there is a lot of distrust between groups.

Group polarization can lead to the creation of “thought rubbish,” in which people limit themselves to communicating only with like-minded individuals. Such isolation can lead to a widening of differences between groups and further escalation of conflicts.

To prevent group polarization, it is worth trying to talk to people with different views and listen to their arguments. It is also worth trying to understand the motives of people with different views. Group polarization can be difficult to stop, but conversation and mutual respect can help reduce conflicts between groups.

Causes of group polarization

Group polarization is a phenomenon in which people in a group begin to stick together and focus on common interests rather than what they have in common. This can lead to conflict and discord within the group. Group polarization is often the result of a strong leader or leader who is able to convince others of his or her reasons.

Other causes of group polarization are:

  • Low levels of communication between groups.
  • Lack of understanding between groups -Lack of knowledge about other groups.
  • Low amount of time that can be spent talking between groups.
  • Limited number of people who can be present in inter-group conversation.

Effects of group polarization

Group polarization is a phenomenon in which there is a clear division into two camps – one is considered superior and the other inferior. This can lead to an escalation of conflicts, as well as a loss of trust and an increase in distrust. In such a situation, it is easy to fall into the trap of “all against all” thinking.

Group polarization is particularly dangerous because it can lead to radicalization of views and behavior. As a result, violence can erupt. That’s why it’s so important to learn to resolve conflicts in a constructive way and seek common ground.

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