Hedonism, is a direction based on the pursuit of pleasure. It relies on a comfortable lifestyle to lead a person to be happy. Its understanding, is a deeper philosophical attitude. It surrounds many followers around it, which means that this direction can be described as a worldview attitude. It says that all people desire pleasure. Hedonism proclaims that pleasure is good, so that people who pursue it desire only good. The direction originated in ancient Greece, and it is divided into three types: the aforementioned psychological, ethical and materialistic. However, the pursuit of pleasure itself, must be done in the most deliberate way possible. It should not, have the effect of changing a person’s character for the worse. Although the hedonistic attitude places pleasure, above other values, a person should not change for the worse. By following the current of direction, he should be happy, and through this happiness is to cause his life to change for the better, in many of its levels.

The direction itself is not very well received by the environment. There is a widespread opinion circulating that hedonistic people often change partners, that is, they often cohabitate with them at random, at least. They have no boundaries or rules, and are constantly looking for something new in life. However, it is worth noting that the definition of the pursuit of pleasure, does not necessarily mean the case described here. For many, pleasure will be, for example, traveling around the world. Visiting new places and learning about culture.
The very explanation of the definitions of the two directions, is very similar. Psychological Hedonism says that each person should pursue his own pleasure, while ethical Hedonism says that each person should pursue the pleasure of the whole. In essence, however, the two are talking about something completely different. The psychological direction makes it clear that a person should simply focus on himself. Not to think too often about others, because this can lead, to detach him from the pursuit of his own goals.

In the ethical direction, instead, follows the conviction, about causing with his behavior, happiness in others. This can, be understood as acting for the benefit of the immediate environment. Thanks to, this activity good can return. Ethical Hedonism wants to show that by giving good to others, it will return with redoubled force after some time.
Epicureanism, is a direction started by Epicurus. He preached that man’s goal in his life should be first and foremost, his happiness. He argued that life is too short to be unhappy and unfulfilled. Although he believed that the path to happiness was virtue and reason, among other things, he did not deny the existence of the Gods. He wanted to convey that the Gods have no right to interfere in human life. Therefore, people should free themselves from religious ethics and live life to the fullest. Hedonism, on the other hand, is another variety, the Epicureanism just described. It is from this direction that hedonism was created. However, it emphasizes freedom of mind and not giving in to temptations that could lead to the path of evil.
Women who follow the values of this direction, first of all, enjoy life. They are said to be physically attractive, sexy, caring and are a point of interest for many men. They are characterized by very high self-confidence, ambition, a good education, and a job that enables them to live a high quality life. They are distinguished by taking care of themselves, in every detail.

What kind of men are they? First of all, they are distinguished by incredible courage, independence, or masculinity. They are characterized by determination and stubbornness. With their approach to life, they are ready to conquer the world. Such men, are aware of their strengths, endurance and mental toughness to the bad events happening around them. They take care of their appearance, they want to impress women with this. They often draw attention to them through their exciting approach to life. They are hungry for adrenaline, which is why they often choose to engage in extreme sports.
Today’s hedonism is called, materialistic hedonism. Materialism in this case can be associated with materialistic benefits. And it will, is a good approach in this aspect. For many people, material goods are the most important good, and their possession gives them a sense of happiness, fulfillment and a sense of achievement. They give themselves goals of owning certain goods that result in recognition among friends or also acceptance into a particular social group.

The goal of consumerism, or in other words materialism, which is obvious, is to achieve pleasure by satisfying one’s private needs. An expensive item purchased by such a person, can create a sense of power, so that such people, after a certain period of time, may consider themselves superior to others.
As is well known, according to hedonism, it is pleasure that is the highest good. Pleasure and feelings of fulfillment must be the main goal of every person. They are, the motivating elements for action and self-fulfillment. But what is ethical doctrine in this connection?
The name ethical doctrine comes from the Greek language. Interestingly, the very translation of the word from this language, means “delight.” As previously, it was described in hedonism there are three types of interpretation of it: psychological hedonism, materialistic hedonism and ethical hedonism. Ethical emphasizes the fact, the pursuit of happiness and satisfaction of the other person first and foremost. It is worth noting that it is in no way related to selfishness, and of all types, it may even be the most environmentally friendly. Psychological says that a person must strive for happiness. Interestingly, it does not provide guidance on how a person can achieve, his dream sense of happiness. In materialistic, the highest value is acquired material goods. Exactly as has just been, described.
As a definition of hedonism, the attitude of a person who adheres to this doctrine is also specified . According to the doctrine, the attitude of a person is to pursue the experience of pleasure . However , this is not all. It particularly points out that its use should have its appropriate expression. Although the hedonistic attitude, places one’s pleasure above other values, he points out that it should be an approach, as common sense as possible. Driven by hedonism, it is easy to get lost in the approach to one’s own life, as well as that of others. One should be very careful, because the road towards deviation from the proper interpretation of the direction, is short. And then it will be, it’s already egoism, which is clearly the opposite of hedonism.
Very early varieties of hedonism, had a lot in common with egoism, what, on the other hand, changes in later years, the existence of this trend. Why was the hedonist initially compared to a materialist and egoist? He was considered a narcissist who, for the sake of his own happiness and satisfaction, will not pay attention to the evil and injustice happening around him. Nevertheless, it was, an inappropriate comparison.

The materialist feels pleasure only in the use and acquisition of coveted material goods, while the hedonist, values other important values. These include, for example, spiritual values. Consequently, a person who follows such an idea, feels joy primarily through contact with nature, friends, or the other half. What is the difference between a hedonist and a materialist? It consists in the fact that the egoist is concerned only with his own well-being and pleasures. The hedonist, instead, also fights for the well-being of other people.
Hedonism had its origins in antiquity. It was initiated by the founder of Epicureanism, namely Epicurus. In addition to him, this trend was also preached by Aristippus of Cyrene. Therefore, these two, are considered the founders of hedonism. Aristippus of Cyrene believed that the most important virtue of man is, of course, pleasure. In addition, he preached that one should pursue it throughout one’s human life. Epicurus, for his part, spoke about the prevailing evil and good in the world. According to him, it arose, this by feeling pain and pleasure. The latter sensation he considered, as an example for distinguishing good, from evil.
Is it worth becoming a modern hedonist? Nowadays, it is worth becoming a hedonist, provided that you make confident changes in your life, so that it will not be confused with being a hedonist, and an egoist. It is natural to seek pleasure. The condition, however, is that this search is done within the limits of common sense. In times when work life dominates, it can be a great part of thinking about yourself, and fighting for your own dreams. Following the thought of hedonism can improve one’s mood, and thus bring a smile to one’s face. A person who adheres to such a thought can look at his life from a more positive side than before. It is worth appreciating each day, and enjoying it, as well as life in general, while fulfilling one’s own desires. Above all, it should be remembered that it is very easy to confuse the concept of hedonism, with selfishness. It should be, it should be constantly reminded, to those who want to pursue their own pleasure. Hedonism is a trend, the purpose of which is primarily its own motivation to act in order to find their happiness, but also in order to pursue their own dreams. It is worth noting that happiness can be found anywhere. It does not have to be sexual fulfillment, it can be travel-induced fulfillment. Each person should answer for himself what causes him happiness, and follow the voice of his own heart. Fulfillment can be induced in one person by a fast car ride, and in another person by a walk in a meadow, during a sunset. The most beautiful thing is that the concept of happiness is very comprehensive. Thanks to this, everyone can find his own path in life, which he will follow, and above all be proud of it. It is not worth it, looking at what makes others happy. Every person is different and everyone deserves happiness, but not necessarily the same.