Pola Kolczyńska

Paper – a material more valuable than gold?

The role of paper cannot be overestimated. Although today we increasingly use books, newspapers and other materials in digitized form, life without paper is...

Consciousness Therapies – the path to Spiritual Awakening

Consciousness Therapies is formed by a pair of spiritual teachers Dorota Venus and Krzysztof Orlowski, who guide seekers through the path of spiritual development....

Slow travel: How to travel consciously and discover the beauty of slow travel

Everyone dreams of enjoying a slow pace and exploring the beauty of the world. Slow travel is the perfect solution to put aside daily...

How to stretch shoes effectively? A guide for every type of shoe

Have you purchased your dream shoes, but they turned out to be too tight? Before you decide to replace them, check out our proven...

Modus operandi – what does it mean? Definition of the term

Modus operandi - you have probably heard this phrase, but do you know what it really is? We explain in the article. We invite...

Behaviorist – who is it? Definition of the term

A behaviorist is a profession that is related to animals - specifically, the study of their behavior. Learn more about who a behaviorist is. Entry...

Eating window: lose weight at specific times

The eatingwindow (diet if - intermittent fasting diet) is the so-called metabolic window, which determines the determination of the time of eating during the...

Perception – what exactly is it? Definition of the concept

Perception is nothing more than the ability to perceive reality. It is the process by which a person perceives stimuli from the environment and,...

Hartman test – check what color your personality is!

The Hartman test is one of the oldest and best-known psychological tests to determine the personality traits of the person being tested. Developed in...

Kundalini yoga, what it is and what are the effects of the exercises

Kundalini yoga is the most tantric and mystical variety of yoga, which includes chanting, breathing exercises and repetitive poses (asanas). Their purpose is to...

Androphobia – fear of men

Androphobia can be defined as a fear of men or of contact with them. It can be the result of personal experiences, such as...

Polyphasic sleep, is it possible to sleep in two hours?

Polysleep is a method of getting a good night's sleep without getting the standard 6-8 hours of sleep. This method was said to have...

Slow gardening: discover peace and satisfaction in growing your own plants

Slow gardening is a response to the fast-paced life of the 21st century. It is a way of relaxation, combined with care for the...

Brontophobia – fear of thunder and lightning

In recent years, we often hear about people who are afraid of thunderstorms and lightning. This is a phobia that can have serious consequences...

Solar plexus chakra – self-esteem

The solar plexus chakra is an extraordinary energy center in the human body. It is responsible for self-esteem, as well as our strength and...

What is an Oedipus complex in an adult male? Symptoms and treatment

Oedipus complex is a psychoanalytic theory that talks about the emotional relationship between a child and parents. In adult men, the Oedipus complex occurs...

Gray noise – the application of sound

Sometimes sound alone is enough to calm our minds and relax us. The use of sound for various purposes and situations can have a...

Ingratiation – what characterizes this form of manipulation?

Integration is a form of manipulation that involves the use of psychological techniques to influence the behavior and perceptions of others. It can be...

Superego – what it is and its importance to the ego and Id

Ego, Id and Superego are the three parts of the structure of the human psyche, described by Sigmund Freud in 1923. They determine a...

Passive-aggressive behavior, what is passive aggression?

Passive-aggressive behavior is the expression of aggression in a seemingly innocent and covert manner. Often it is a form of reaction to a situation...

Provocation – what is it? In what areas of life does it manifest itself?

Provocation is a type of action that aims to provoke a certain reaction among other people. It is a strategy used in many areas...

Digital Nomads, who are Digital Nomads and how do they live?

Digital Nomad is a concept that is a combination of modernity and the traditional term for tribes living a nomadic lifestyle. Nomads moved from...

Armonia – your friend in spiritual development

Armonia is a space created by Arleta Polomskaya. A space understood not only as a physical place, but above all as a space to...

Holy cow – what is it? Definition of the concept

Holy cow is a popular term that refers to people who are treated as important and privileged individuals, and who are allowed to do...

Dependent variable – what is it and what does it consist of?

The dependent variable is an important element in statistical research to better understand the relationships between different variables. Most researchers use the dependent variable...

O mnie:

Namaste! My name is Pola Kolchinskaya. As a yogini and alternative medicine enthusiast, my life revolves around the pursuit of harmony of body, mind and spirit. Leading meditations in a women's circle, attending and organizing self-development workshops and exploring the depths of spiritual development are my daily practices. My passion for yoga has taken me to the most exotic corners of the world, including Bali, where the magic and energy of the place enhances the experience of yoga practice. The blog I run is a reflection of my life philosophy - sharing the joy of life. I love discovering new cultures, people, flavors and spaces, which inspires me to share it all with my readers. I believe that every trip, every workshop and every practice is a step towards a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. My goal is not only to inspire people to live in harmony with themselves, but also to show what a multidimensional adventure life can be when we allow ourselves to reflect and breathe deeply.