

Modus operandi – what does it mean? Definition of the term

Modus operandi - you have probably heard this phrase, but do you know what it really is? We explain in the article. We invite...

Eating window: lose weight at specific times

The eatingwindow (diet if - intermittent fasting diet) is the so-called metabolic window, which determines the determination of the time of eating during the...

Perception – what exactly is it? Definition of the concept

Perception is nothing more than the ability to perceive reality. It is the process by which a person perceives stimuli from the environment and,...

Kundalini yoga, what it is and what are the effects of the exercises

Kundalini yoga is the most tantric and mystical variety of yoga, which includes chanting, breathing exercises and repetitive poses (asanas). Their purpose is to...

Androphobia – fear of men

Androphobia can be defined as a fear of men or of contact with them. It can be the result of personal experiences, such as...

Polyphasic sleep, is it possible to sleep in two hours?

Polysleep is a method of getting a good night's sleep without getting the standard 6-8 hours of sleep. This method was said to have...

Brontophobia – fear of thunder and lightning

In recent years, we often hear about people who are afraid of thunderstorms and lightning. This is a phobia that can have serious consequences...

What is an Oedipus complex in an adult male? Symptoms and treatment

Oedipus complex is a psychoanalytic theory that talks about the emotional relationship between a child and parents. In adult men, the Oedipus complex occurs...

Gray noise – the application of sound

Sometimes sound alone is enough to calm our minds and relax us. The use of sound for various purposes and situations can have a...

Superego – what it is and its importance to the ego and Id

Ego, Id and Superego are the three parts of the structure of the human psyche, described by Sigmund Freud in 1923. They determine a...

Passive-aggressive behavior, what is passive aggression?

Passive-aggressive behavior is the expression of aggression in a seemingly innocent and covert manner. Often it is a form of reaction to a situation...

Holy cow – what is it? Definition of the concept

Holy cow is a popular term that refers to people who are treated as important and privileged individuals, and who are allowed to do...

Dependent variable – what is it and what does it consist of?

The dependent variable is an important element in statistical research to better understand the relationships between different variables. Most researchers use the dependent variable...

Common sense – what is it and what does it consist of?

Common sense is usually defined as the ability to predict the results of one's actions and choices and the ability to use knowledge and...

Classical conditioning – what is it? Definition of the concept

Classical conditioning in psychology is a learning technique that involves assigning new meanings or responses to stimuli that were not previously associated. It was...

Q-sort technique – what is it and what is it based on?

Q-sort is a research technique that was developed in the 1960s and has since been widely used in psychology, sociology, education and other social...

Group polarization – what is it and how does it function?

Group polarization is a phenomenon in which people divide into groups that have opposing views on a given topic. This phenomenon can lead to...

Mental map – what is it and how to make it?

The mental map technique is a great tool for learning, remembering and assimilating information. It can be used to work with any type of...

Jean Piaget – who was he? Theory of development

Jean Piaget is considered the father of cognitive development research. His theory of development is considered one of the most important in the entire...

Discomfort – what is it? Definition of the concept

Discomfort can hinder daily life and limit our activities. It can also cause sleep problems and make it difficult to focus. In the case...

Semantic differential – what is it? Definition of the concept

Semantic differential is a type of superstition that says that people with similar personalities tend to make similar choices. It is a cognitive error...

Black sheep – what does it mean? Definition of the term

A black sheep is often a person who has something to his credit that no one else has. It may be a success that...

Acculturation – what is it and what are its types?

Acculturation can be a difficult process, but it can also bring many benefits. It can help you grow as a person and allow you...

Abraham Maslow – who exactly was he?

Abraham Maslow was an American psychologist who was born in 1908. He was engaged in the study of human behavior and motivation. Today we...

Total Biology – healing through consciousness

Total Biology has been a very popular field of alternative medicine for several years. This is a result of the public's growing interest in...

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