Kanna characteristics, cultivation, care. A handful of information about streptocarpus

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Pola Kolczyńska
Pola Kolczyńska
Namaste! My name is Pola Kolchinskaya. As a yogini and alternative medicine enthusiast, my life revolves around the pursuit of harmony of body, mind and spirit. Leading meditations in a women's circle, attending and organizing self-development workshops and exploring the depths of spiritual development are my daily practices. My passion for yoga has taken me to the most exotic corners of the world, including Bali, where the magic and energy of the place enhances the experience of yoga practice. The blog I run is a reflection of my life philosophy - sharing the joy of life. I love discovering new cultures, people, flavors and spaces, which inspires me to share it all with my readers. I believe that every trip, every workshop and every practice is a step towards a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. My goal is not only to inspire people to live in harmony with themselves, but also to show what a multidimensional adventure life can be when we allow ourselves to reflect and breathe deeply.

Kanna otherwise known as streptocarpus, is a plant quite popular in Polish gardens. It charms with its appearance and therefore looks good both in the ground and in a pot. Check out how to grow canna and enjoy its beauty for a long time.

Kanna characteristics

Kanna is a flower included in the Cannacea family, which includes dozens of plant species. They are found in the tropical areas of North America, South America and Asia. Its most popular variety is the Indian bead plant, grown mainly in gardens for decorative purposes. The flower is characterized by egg-shaped and elongated leaves on stiff, hollow stems, which are topped with an inflorescence. The plant can reach up to two meters in length. Flowers can be red, pink, yellow, orange and white, as well as a mixture of several colors.

Kanna cultivation

Above all, the streptocarpus needs a warm and sunny place, after all, it is an exotic plant. Since the plant is sensitive to low temperatures, in winter its rhizomes should be kept at a temperature of at least 10 degrees Celsius. Its cultivation should be started as early as March, initially in a pot due to its intolerance of low temperatures. In the ground, we should plant it in mid-May, when the nights are no longer cool. Parasequoias like moist soil, so it is recommended to water 3 times a week, in case of hot and dry days we should water it daily. In addition, from June to September, the canna should be fed with a multi-component fertilizer for flowering plants, every 8-10 days. If we want to grow canna in a pot, and due to autumn and winter we should take it out of the garden anyway, we must remember to provide the plant with a suitably large pot. In addition, we should take care of drainage and permeable, fertile, humus soil, this will protect the rhizome from rotting.

Streptococcus propagation

Kanna is propagated from January to February, by sowing seeds and by dividing the rhizomes in early spring. The thick shell of the seeds requires us to soak them in warm water for about 24 hours before sowing. Then we plant them individually into pots and set them in a bright place at 18 degrees Celsius. The rhizomes should be separated so that each part has at least one well-formed bud. It is a good idea to sprinkle the cutting area with crushed charcoal.

Kanna in the garden

Kanna has adopted in Poland, as a garden flower. No wonder in the end its appearance is awe-inspiring, and colorful flowers make the garden more beautiful. In the garden it looks good surrounded by other plants, but it can also be planted in pots on the terrace, balcony or in garden alleys. However, it is necessary that the choice of location be as favorable as possible for the plant. This means that the plant must have at least 6 hours of sunlight during the day. Kanna also likes warm and humus soil, moderately compact, rich in nutrients with a pH of 6.5-7.0.

Streptococcus pests and diseases

Streptococcus are fairly disease-resistant plants, but if they do get sick, it is mainly through viral diseases. This manifests itself in bright spots on the leaves and various deformities, in addition, the plant does not bloom. Kanna can be exposed to fungal and bacterial diseases. Pests that can appear on our plant are slugs, aphids, wireworms and nematodes. Diseases and pests should be fought with appropriate nutrients and detergents available in garden stores.

Kanna in winter

As we have already mentioned, canna cannot overwinter in the garden, so it should be transplanted into a pot and stored at a temperature of at least 10 degrees Celsius. When the first autumn frosts appear, we dig the plant out of the ground. Then we cut off at a height of 10-15 cm the above-ground part. We lightly shake the rhizomes from the ground, dry them and store them covered with moist peat.

Kanna varieties

Wondering about the best canna for your garden? Check out the varieties of this flower.

  • Kanna Crozy – this variety is characterized by a height reaching up to 1.6 meters. It has an overlay of green or purple leaves, while its shape resembles swordtails.
  • Small-leaved K anna – they reach 3 meters in height, have large leaves in green, purple or purple-green colors. Flowers, on the other hand, are small up to 6 cm.
  • Orchid can na – reach up to 2 meters in height, have green or green-purple leaves and flowers similar to orchids.
  • Dwarf Kanna – here we distinguish two main varieties of it, one reaching 60-90 cm and the other up to 50 cm. It has salmon-red, bright yellow or orange flowers.
  • Water cannas – although the canna is created specifically for growing in the ground, but “water” hybrids have been bred. They can decorate bodies of water along with water lilies.

Kanna is a beautiful plant, which, except for adequate sunlight and irrigation, has no major requirements. Although you should remember that it should spend winters in a sufficiently warm place. So if you are planning a summer garden remember the most important rules for caring for canna.

Indian streptocarpus – interesting facts about canna

Indian beadweed, or canna, is certainly one of the most famous flowers in the world. We have already discussed in detail the cultivation and care of this plant, so it is now worth looking at various interesting facts about the Indian bead.

  • Indian beadweed is considered a symbol of love and fidelity. The ancient Greeks had a tradition of wearing the flowers on their wedding days to invoke and preserve love between spouses. In addition, the Greeks believed that the flower could help cure poisoning, colds and other ailments of illness.
  • Kanna was also considered a religious symbol in ancient Egypt. It was a symbol of eternal life and faith in a god.
  • Kanna is one of the oldest flowers in the world. Records of it date as far back as 1590 BC.
  • The Indian bead is also considered a symbol of spring. Its beautiful and bright flowers are considered a symbol of joy and hope.
  • Interestingly, the beadle is used in cooking and in the arts. The flower is for seasoning dishes, such as salad, and is also used in carving and painting.

As you can see, the Indian beadweed not only brings us beauty to the garden and flavor to the kitchen, but is also treated as a symbol of beauty, and artists can use it to complement works of art.

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